Update for Final Project Reflection (Winny)

During our presentation for final project on Thursday, we have received some feedback from fellows and peers, here I will add these feedback to my reflection of my final project:

  1. Video quality: our general idea for the video is interesting, but as for the quality, we should have paid attention to the lighting and also steadiness. To have better quality, we can learn about how to adjust the lighting before shooting, and also have more testing before official shooting.
  2. Website design: our website lacks clear instructions for interaction, our users feel confused about what to do or where to look. For this problem , we could first adjust the style of our website, adding clear signals to show the video section or the text section; second we could give clear instruction on ways of interacting, like scrolling, clicking; third we also need to rethink: what kind of style matches our theme and video style? What interaction does not confuse our users?
  3. Audio quality: our project lacks an organized audio system: sometimes the volume is too low/high, sometimes the audio quality isn’t consistent. Many of these problems attribute to our limited time, we could be more careful and test more before set up the final volume for each video. 
  4. Introduction of characters: we receive feedback that the three profile pictures of the characters can be more specific about their roles. Also we could add more introduction about these characters. 

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