Week 6: “Homecoming” Podcast Response – Oona Pecson

I’m not someone who frequently listens to podcasts, so this was my first time really getting into one. I thought before, that most podcast were non-fiction, and some made just for fun. There are even some podcasts made to help people learn foreign languages! However,  I didn’t think that an entire fictional series could be created in this way! It’s so fascinating. It sounds so natural (because of the use of sounds and background noises that fit the scene/ situation), that it’s so easy for the listener to picture what is going on. For comics, looking at the images gives you a really good sense of the story when emotions and actions are expressed, as well as sounds with font size and style. However, this podcast’s use of sound and controlling what the reader hears is equally just as effective. I now realize that from visual to audio, there is more than just one way to tell a story! 😀
(Also the story itself was really interesting and I really enjoyed listening!!)

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