Week 12: Final Project Proposal – Murray


For the final project, Ying and I will be working together to create an interactive photo gallery along with some stories about the place. Ying wanted to to do this because a photo shouldn’t just be visualized by the audience but it should also expose the audience to different senses such as hearing which I myself agreed with as well. Additionally, we planned to add more features on each photo such as time, temperature, and a definite location. Doing this will allow us to express our picture and convey a message that our audience will then be able to interpret.

We also want to add as much interaction as possible between the user and make it visible and clear for the user to interact with. We’ll also utilize the mouse cursor which will then tell user what to do by showing a small text over it. We will also add sound effects to several texts that users can hoover and make it visible and stand out. We hope that the aesthetic of our page will be modern and clean will minimal color mixing, so we may also use a background that’s mostly white or black. We also plan to add a video by showing a zoom-in clip to the specific location by using Google Earth Studio. 

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