Week 3: About Page With CSS (Matthew Fertig)


My first initiative in beautifying my website was to figure out how to center my text and choose pleasant-looking fonts/colors. I figured the best way to center my text would just be to “text-align: center” in my body and create a div for any parts that I want to justify left. Achieving these steps were quite simple, and my code reflects that.

I then experimented with coolors.com to find a nice color palette and landed on one that I was ultimately happy with. 

I then realized that gifs can be added in the same way images are and thought that might spruce my website up a bit. Also, seeking inspiration from our CSS exercise, I added a div class for the box around my list of classes to separate the information.

I then created another class to change the font of my social media handles because I thought that information was secondary to the format of my website.

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