Interactive Comic Project: Matthew Fertig

Our concept for our comic project shifted slightly from what we initially sought out to do, but the general premise was still accomplished. We decided pretty early on that it may be better to in fact make our comic in third person rather than first person, allowing the player to see the impact of their choices immediately. Making this switch also allowed us to play with putting ourselves as the subjects, and with that, using varied facial expressions and body language to tell our story in a different way. 

We intentionally blurred backgrounds and simplified the drawings to create our unique storytelling style, one that puts a particular focus on our faces. We thought about alternating ways of changing slides so it’s not just clicking the same button, but given the workload in just developing our initial idea, it made the most sense to keep the design simple. 

Finally, one of the most difficult tasks in developing our idea was brainstorming four distinct story lines, and with that, choosing the best images to represent our ideas. This probably took the most planning and reworking to accomplish, but I think we did our storylines justice. All in all, I’m proud of our final product and I’m excited to share it with the class.

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