Week 3: My Portfolio Revision – Madi Eberhardt

Link: http://imanas.shanghai.nyu.edu/~mne234/week-1/index.html 


While revisioning my portfolio page into a more colorful and styled page, I ran into some issues. One of the first issues I ran into was with the <body> and <head> aspect of the code. I accidentally had another random <body> in the code so it made the link for the language aspect (<meta charset=”utf-8″>)  of the page not included. After fixing this, it finally worked and the page didn’t have any odd characters or letters. Another part that I had trouble with was the headers and changing the color, font, etc. I realized that before I had the headers closed off wrong like this <h1/> when it should’ve been like this </h1>. This simple mistake made it so that my entire blog was being affected by the css style, so once I finally fixed it, it worked fine. Besides all this, I enjoyed using CSS to style the portfolio in a better way then before with just html even though it was a bit confusing learning it and having to apply it to atom.

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