Response to Homecoming Episode 1 Mandatory – Mingyue Deng

This audio episode of a thriller completely changed my perspective on podcasts. There are several points when the background noise and the conversations and the dialogues were creating an image in my head like I was actually watching it on TV. Although the faces of the people are blurred, I was imagining every person’s face with the voice I was hearing. Especially when the sounds were suddenly turning into the complete silences after each session, I felt like I was watching a change of scenes in an episode on TV. Also, the way the main character talked when she was interviewing people and when she was questioned by the man from the Department of Defense was completely different in tones. It was like she actually does not remember anything from the interviews but she remembers that she worked there before. And the audio ended there with her not remembering anything from her past experiences in the Homecoming Initiative. She could not even explain why she quitted that job. This kind of open end makes me want to hear more and find out what happened. And the background noises of the fish tank and the street noises and airport noises completely engaged me into the scenes and I could imagine where they were or what’s the surrounding like during the conversation. The phone recording was creating a dialogue which gave a lot of background information to listeners but it leaves doubts too leaving blank spaces for the dialogue between the Defense Department man and Kate’s conversation to fill out.

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