JS Conditional Exercise – Mingyue Deng

Project: JS Conditional Exercise

Documented By: Mingyue Deng

Link: http://imanas.shanghai.nyu.edu/~md3606/commlab/week4/exercise.html

For this exercise, I had a lot of trouble setting up the flex-container and making it become a row. Then, I realized it was because I set the relation wrong, I set it up as exercise but it should be stylesheet.

I still could not get the JS to work, but I got everything else to work.

Here is a screenshot of my JS page.

One Reply to “JS Conditional Exercise – Mingyue Deng”

  1. In your if-statement, for each of the conditions, change the = to ==.
    For example:
    change to
    This might solve the problem you were having.

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