Comic Project – Mingyue Deng, Shirley Liu

Project: Comic Project


Documented By: Mingyue Deng, Shirley Liu

Blog Response: Mingyue Deng

For this project, we came up with the idea of the girl having a daydream and going on a trip in the daydream after seeing her parents fighting. However, we could not find a way to distinguish reality and dream so we decided to change our storyline. We ended up with the girl looking for a cafe and walks into a magic door, and goes on a trip to many places and opens several magic doors to go to the next place. She ends up waking up in her bedroom.

When we are doing this project, Shirley was responsible for the drawings as we discussed how we are going to do it. I did most of the coding.

There were several issues which were not working well for me. We tried to do a website with scrolls in JavaScript, but I could not be able to do that with every function I tried, so I gave up and ended with doing a slideshow.

There are still several issues with the slideshow, I could not be able to make the last image stay as it should be linked to the next page. And the slideshow does not work well with the first image showing up first when I open the page. I could not fix it, so I left it like that.

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