Basic HTML+CSS Website – Mingyue Deng

Project: HTML+CSS Final Website

Documented By:  Mingyue Deng


I had several troubles when I was making this website. At first, I was unable to align all the items in a row like this instead of in a column. 

Then, I decided that I would make several pages so I could really put texts in their place. So, when people click on the bar like “About Me”, they would see my profile page.

After I made those pages, I ran into trouble making the column of pictures into the rows as I did with the bars.

However, I fixed the problem later after I put each part into their corresponding bars.

Then I ran into trouble when I try to upload the website to IMA NAS, and I still could not figure out what the problem is. I tried several ways to write the link, and I tried to copy the link through Cyberduck, all did not work. I always opened it to a 404 error page. Now the link works to open the website page, but the CSS files I uploaded were not appearing to decorate my website. So I decided to screenshot all my pages as they should be looking like and post them here.

Final Website:

Index: the red text becomes larger in size when the mouse hovers on it.

About Me: The light gray linked text becomes red when the mouse hovers on it.

My Family:

My Favorites:

Photos: All photos are in rows instead of in columns now on this page.


This is the effect of how I want the website to look like, but I don’t know if it’s going to be shown like this when you click the link.

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