Audio Project – Mingyue Deng, Angel Yang

Project: Audio Project

Documented By: Mingyue Deng and Angel Yang


In this project, we did not have a lot of problems with the audio recording part or the audio editing part. After we recorded the sounds, I was responsible for editing the audios. I cut out most of the irrelevant audios and the silences from the audios but without making them too abrupt using Adobe Audition. I did not have any problems with that part. After that, Angel and I met to discuss what we should keep in the audios for our final project. 

Then we found some logos for the sound samples we have for the project. I edited out the backgrounds of the logos using Pixelmator Pro to make the background transparent so we could put them on the website as the buttons. I had some problems doing that with Pixelmator Pro but I had no problem editing the images with Photoshop.

So I had no problems with my parts. I found some more instruments to make the website contents richer than just isolated recorded sounds from different places. They are from YouTube. These are the links:

I cut out some parts to make the audio samples on the website shorter.

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