Audio Project Documentation (Thomas Waugh)

For my audio project, I initially wanted to create a drum rack similar to the one that I use in Ableton. Which looks like a grid with different instruments and different beats to arrange them into. For this, my partner and I assembled a variety of sounds from throughout the AB. I then put these samples into Ableton and EQ’d them, added effects to them, and make the sound levels equal according to what drum or sound I assigned each recording to. I then realized that I do not think that the average person is familiar with drum patterns so in order to make the user interface more accessible and to make it more of an intuitive experience with easier results, I arranged all the sounds into a song and then separated the song into different layers. Each checkbox correlates to one layer of the song. All the different layers go together in a pattern because, once again, they are all from the same song. By choosing this path, I feel that I created something that someone with no previous musical experience could use to make a song of their own made from sounds of the AB in a matter of seconds. The coding for this project was relatively straightforward as it merely consisted of programming buttons to play sounds together and adding simple audio controls. Steve originally had the picture of the AB without any filters on it, but I felt that that image did not match the mood of the project so I threw the picture into Photoshop and changed the color balance, added a ton of saturation and overlaid a pattern gradient to give it a more enticing and exciting look and to make it clash less with the content that it was framing. All-in-all, I was very happy with how this project turned out and I had an absolute blast making it and I am super excited to have a drum kit of NYU Shanghai sounds to play around with in the future.

Link to Project

it didn’t let me upload the song I made with all the sounds into my documentation 🙁

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