Interactive Comic Progression Post 1 – Taylah Bland and Laila

Progression Blog Post – Taylah and Laila 

Laila and I met on Tuesday, March 5th to work through a plan of how best to handle this assignment. Laila had already begun to experiment with Adobe Illustrator whilst also drawing out a story board to document the key points of our story. 

Upon discussion with Laila, I really liked her drawings and suggested we keep what she has and start with simple graphics like line drawings. As the story progresses and our protagonists becomes enlightened with this new found ability to appreciate nature, we begin to see an increase in the resolution, quality and complexity of the illustrations. 

I have taken responsibility for the photoshop images of nature. I wanted to combine a few pictures of three nature spots (Mt Everest, The Great Barrier Reef, Pyramids of Giza) to showcase not only the beauty of nature but the potential it has for personal transformation. 

During this time, Laila will continue to work on the beginning illustrations utilizing the Adobe Illustrator Program. 

We plan to meet with Professor Eckert on both Thursday this week (7th and 14th of March) and next week in order to talk over our idea and to consolidate the best possible way to utilize the knowledge we have to create a strong interactive comic. 

We also plan to meet up on Sunday with all completed graphics and this will give us just over a week to put them into the browser and create the interactive component of our comic. 

I have also done additional research on youtube to look at ways in which we can create simple but effective transitions for our comic. We are trying to use Digital media in its simplest form to convey a very deep and meaningful message in our comic. We are hoping that through utilizing digital media as a platform to present this, we will be creating greater accessibility for a larger demographic.

Attached is a video and some pictures of some of the coding that Laila has started to play around with! 

Progression ImageProgression ImageProgression ImageProgression Image


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