Week 3 Comic Idea Jialu, Steve, Justin

Our idea will be an interactive “chose your story” comic. The user will play as the main character  and follow along with the plot. At critical sections, the user will make decisions for their character. Depending on their choices, the plot line can diverge and eventually lead to different endings. Thus, with each different play through of our comic, the user will be able to encounter  different plot lines and discover hidden . By doing so, we will be able to enhance the user experience and bring them new content each time they go through our comic.

As of right now, the theme is science fiction. We plan on making the different plot lines as the weeks progress. While the core of the comic is based on user decisions to further the plot, we would like to add more interactivity to the story by implementing small games that the user has to play. We hope to use javascript or any javascript library to develop those mini games.

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