Response to Danger of A Single Story – Justin C

The danger of a single story is a relevant topic today and the future. The irony is that while today we have the internet and an abundance of information in our finger tips, the fact that people still stick to the single story is astonishing. This issue stems from information that is presented to us on the internet. Certain narratives can be constructed in such a way that influences the way we perceive a certain subject. In today’s age, the net and other news outlets often construct the same single story for every subject. For the viewer, this single narrative is easy to accept it because it has been heard before. Many of these news outlets know this and spoon feed the viewers what they want to hear. Being able to look at a subject in a different light is difficult. However, as society progress into the 21st century, we must understand the narratives presented to us. We must understand that we can’t always accept the information given to us. We have to process it, learn of more stories of the same subject, and always inquire about the truthfulness of such information.

            Adichie presents an interesting case of why she wanted to become a writer. Partly, she wanted to create stories for her home country rather than have single narrative that Africans are all starving. This is her way of fighting the single story. In her TED talk, she not only lectures her audience of the danger of the single story but also provokes people to tell their own stories as a way prevent the single-story problem. Everyone should tell their own story, to provide different perspectives in order to create multi-story narrative.  

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