Documentation Sound Project – Justin C

Initially, our idea was to create a collage of sounds of Shanghai. However, as we began to record sounds for that idea, we impulsively recorded simple sounds that did not relate to our topic at all. It was that we had this idea that we could take these simple sounds and piece them together to create a composition. Then, we had the idea of creating a sound board. This idea is challenging at first because we didn’t know how to piece the sounds we collected. We ended up using javascript to create a repetitive beat to piece together the sounds. Our website will include a board where a variable beat will be played every second. The user will be able to put certain beats on certain tiles in order to create a unique composition.

            The sounds that we collected all originated from hitting simple objects from around the AB. For example, we used a simple clap and snap in our composition. Additionally, we took the sound of opening the trash can in the 8th AB as a simple sound. Once we collected those sounds, we went on Audacity and manipulated it by taking certain sections of those sounds. The outcome is a beat that can be used on the sound bard. Nan manipulated most of the sounds while I helped record the sounds

            The coding was the most challenging portion of our project. We had to code a system where the sound will played in a rhythmic pattern. The design we proposed is a beat will be played every second. The user can change it so that up 10 beats can be played every second. Within those beats, the user can select those simple sounds to implement in their composition. The outcome of such sounds can very rhythmic and catchy.

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