Week 3: My Portfolio (Kat Valachova)

With this homework, I mainly focused on practicing laying out the content through <div>, in order to create a grid that would later on allow me easier manipulation, smaller ajustments and adding of content, links and photos to my portfolio. What helped me a lot was outlining the wireframe on paper first, instead of directly writing it as a code. It proved to be especially useful once the code got longer and thus harder to navigate around.

I also tried to play around with positioning in order to get a knack of when it is better to use the absolute, or relative one. The absolute p. proved to be useful when it came to my strategy of ‘containers’ building, as it always refers to the top left corner of its parent element and one then doesn’t have to calculate the parameters from the top of the page.

I encountered an unexpected problem with a footer containing my contact information, that I wanted to add. No matter what I did (I created its own <div> with only the <body> as its parent element, positioning: absolute; bottom: 0px), it didn’t want to stick to the bottom of the page. So for now, it has been inactivated in the html code.

The link:


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