Week 12: response to Rachel Greene’s “Web Work: A History of Net Art” – Kat Valachova

As a form of art based solely on internet as its platform, net art seems be able to open new doors for contemporary artists. As Greene mentions in her article, one of the net arts’s greatest advantages is its immediacy, that complies with the modern world’s cry for immediate action and reaction, in the highest speed possible. Another of the net art’s advantages is, I believe, the depth of the source this art can build on. Internet is a space that gets every minute, very second richer and bigger, allowing the artist an immense library of sources for his projects, by doing so tearing down the limitations the material projects would pose. Despite the net art|s nature being nature non-material, with modern technologies that allow us to bring the electronic image to perfection even in third dimension, the net art still seems to have a lot to offer to the art community.

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