Week 14: Final Net Art Reflection -Jikai Zheng

Link: Cities

My project, Cities, begins as a replica of a macbook desktop. You are able to find out what made me and my partner fall in love with different cities: Richmond, New York, and Shanghai. The icons of each cities represent folders that open up a slide show of the illustrations we drew that correlate to each city. There are also three audio elements to each individual city- a music track that begins when you click on the icon and a quote or a voiceover we wrote specifically for that city. Also, there are addition functions such as naming your city, and dragging each city icon like folders just as you would on a regular desktop.

I will use this segment of the reflection to acknowledge the feedback that was given to me by classmates, fellows, and professors. Because the process was carefully described in my documentation, I want to utilize this part to talk about areas that I might have missed that my peers and superiors have brought up.

  1. There were a few suggestions to include a map of a globe for the desktop background instead of the clouds, because I guess that would help people visualize their cities realistic placements better.
    1. I purposefully chose to leave the background a little bit abstract, so not to confine the viewer to only one way of thinking.
  2. We also were asked if there were any other functions with the untitled cities icons that we wanted to show.
    1. Given more time, we should have definitely included more functions where you upload your own photos into the slideshow for your renamed cities. That would have made my project, Cities, much stronger and even more interactive.
  3. We were told that the webpage looks super personal and intimate, and the art and audio and “sentimental” and “handmade”.
  4. Exploratory mindset, interactivity was minimal but thought out.
    1. For 3 & 4. Thanks!
  5. It might’ve been water, wasn’t sure how it looked.
    1. We’re open to more abstract ideas of thinking, this is exactly why I didn’t want to choose a globe for the background.
  6. The webpage makes me want to work on it too.
    1. I’m so glad that’s the way you felt about this project, which brings me to the…

As mentioned before, given more time, I would have definitely liked to implement a p5 javascript piece of code so that people will be able to upload their own image files, and possibly even audio files to really make the Cities webpage their own. This way, the interactivity component would be so much deeper and can resonate with anyone that comes to our webpage.

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