Response to “Ecstasy of Influence” – Julia Riguerra

“Ecstasy of Influence” raises questions about cultural property and access to various forms of media, whether it be artwork or music or literature. It also touches upon the originality debate—does art imitate life, or does life imitate art? Is anything ever truly original? Artists, writers, and musicians all draw upon preexisting themes whether they are aware of it or not, as nothing in the world exists within a vacuum. Objects cannot be placed outside their contexts because, in a sense, art imitates life, and the nature of life is that it overlaps with other lives. Copyright is a controversial issue here, but giving credit where credit is due seems only natural.  It’s impossible to track any and all creations that might be similar in some way, and one creator can’t simply claim ownership of an idea or thing. Where would we be if the composer of “Happy Birthday” demanded royalties every time it was sung?

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