Week 1: My About page | Jonathon Haley

I made my About page into a bit of a scavenger hunt. The premise is that my page has been stolen, and to get it back I need you to search for it. The index.html page contains 2 links, each leading to a different page. Each of these pages also contains 2 links, leading to more pages. In total, there’s 10 pages and 4 layers (not including the About page, which you hopefully find at the end). Some of the links overlap (i.e. two pages may contain a link to the same page). There’s also a third link on each page (the “green pill”) that takes you back to index.html. In the end, it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to find the About page, as there’s multiple ways to do so.

In terms of implementation, I added images that also served as hyperlinks by nesting an <img> tag inside of an <a> tag. Some of the links are images, some are text. Some links don’t go anywhere at all, they’re just there to mislead you. I also used other tags in various places, such as <p>, <br>, and <hr>.

Here it is: About Me. Enjoy!

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