Week 09: Interactive Video Project – Chloe Chan

For our project, we are focusing on an ambiguous definition of what freedom really means to each individual. We are hoping to create an interactive platform that will allow users to further explore what freedom might mean to different individuals, instead of setting boundaries or any clear definitions as to what it might mean. We start off with a few clips of what freedom might mean to different people and by putting them together in a montage, we hope to set the tone for the user, showing them how freedom presents itself in multiple forms. 

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 2 demonstrates the interactivity, and how users would be able to view the videos that will be shot by my teammates and I. I think that we are attempting to use a variety of different angles and shots.

Scene 3

The last scene shows a compilation of present-day issues pertaining to freedom, as a closing scene following the montage at the beginning of our interactive video project.

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