Week 03: Javascript Assignment – Chloe Chan


For this assignment, I did struggle a bit with Javascript, I thought it was much more difficult than the other assignments that we got but towards the end, I started to understand how to use Javascript much better. I ended up looking through our class examples a lot to figure out how to use Javascript. 

I managed to use HTML fairly easily, and CSS as well, it took me a while to organise my Ids and Classes but once that worked it went fairly well. My biggest issue was that nothing I was coding on the Javascript was showing up on my page, I got all the images and buttons up on the page but nothing was changing, I knew that there was something wrong, and when I went into ‘inspector’ it said that there was something wrong. It took me a long time before I realised that I didn’t close

 <script src=”js/photoshop.js” type=”text/javascript”>

and instead left the tag open. After I figured that out it was a fairly smooth process to finish the page. 

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