Week 09 – Video Project Story Board – Hannah

In our project we plan to explore the meanings of freedom by hearing from a variety of perspectives. Our project begins with a montage of media historically related to freedom (see SCENE 1), followed by an interactive component (see SCENE 2) in which the user clicks balloons that explode into interview videos. These interviews feature NYUSH and study away students discussing what freedom means to them, why and when it’s important, and a time they’ve felt free. Lastly our project will include a closing montage (see SCENE 3) of current media and shots we’ve taken that relate to freedom in different ways. The montages the precede and follow the interactive interview component are meant to place the ideas that our subjects describe into a variety of contexts (some or which are socially and politically significant and some of which are not) to demonstrate the versatility and the ambiguities of freedom. A central question to our project is when is freedom constructive and when is it destructive, and how do our beliefs and understandings of freedom influence the way we conduct ourselves. 




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