Week 09- Video project proposal – Hannah, Laura and Chloe

For our video project we are planning on exploring the topic of freedom, its various forms, and its significance to people from a variety of backgrounds. To do this we will conduct interviews people in and around the school and ask that they speak about what freedom means to them. Part of what we are interested in is the way in which each person will interpret the words freedom and what context they choose to discuss it in (ie freedom of speech, freedom of religion, physical freedom, freedom from family expectations, etc) We plan to begin with a montage of historical images pertaining to freedom and then introduce an interactive display that allows different video clips to be qued. We intend for our project to convey the breadth and variety of freedoms that some of us do and don’t have, and the role freedom plays in our decisions, intentions, and hopes. Our idea was inspired by Obstruction 3, which is for the creator to create whatever he wants. In this sense, freedom is overwhelming and the obstructions (limits to freedom) from before had provided a scaffolding upon which to build. Our project overall grapples with questions of the need for freedom/individuality versus obstructions/frameworks, and we hope to create a thought provoking web of perspectives on freedom itself. 

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