Week 12: Response to “A History of Net Art” – Grace Currier

Prior to reading this article, I was relatively unaware of the term “internet art” and what exactly it meant. I had never really considered using the internet as a platform with which to create art. Neither had I truly thought about it as a form of art. Rachel Greene shed a light on the growing popularity of the medium as of course, the world is becoming increasingly more connected, and thus, plugged in. Although this may be true, it is still a rather undervalued art form as many, including myself, are relatively unaware of its existence. When the word “art” comes to mind, one might think of a museum, painting, photography, or even acting, but rarely would one ever think of the internet. The emergence of internet art has demonstrated not only the creativity of those who produce it, but the fluidity and flexibility of the internet itself. That said, I think that because the internet already has so many uses, it is easy for the artistic aspect of it to become obsolete, or slightly forgotten. Nonetheless, it is a beautiful art form that will hopefully continue for the duration of the existence of the internet. After reading this article, I have a newfound appreciation for internet art and its creators. 

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