Week 3 Comic Idea: Harry and Hanna

Scratching the Pokemon Idea, we agreed on making a comic about understanding the common problem of having difficulties with self-expression and misunderstanding. Our comic will start with a black screen which turns into a black and white silhouette of a big city (the current idea is Shanghai). The readers will then take the perspective of a stock person, with no discernable features completely monotone icon of a colorless person. The user will then try to input material and speak when prompted, however, whatever the user will try to type, the output will be indiscernible jibberish and symbols. This will be timed, with the user being left frustrated with nothing to do but wait. There will be other interactions with other characters, that prompt the user to try and respond to the character’s dialogue. If they don’t type in something given the allotted time, they will fail and end up in the end screen (still black and white). If they respond, they will proceed. If they keep responding, the world will get more and more color. If they do respond, the words will become more and more discernable. Through response, the world will become more and more colored, and the end screen will be colorful.

Simple moral of the story: express yourself; try to communicate with others; while you may not initially understand something, if you apply yourself, clarity will come. 

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