

The idea:

Jamie came to the idea and it is about even though you change the factors of some point but the result still not change. We discussed about the details of the plot, then we decided to make three scenarios. One is eating the fish, one is help cheating or not, the last one is jumping or not. Nan and Jamie finished the conversation part, then Jamie and I started drawing the story board.

This made the filming process easier.

The filming part:

We set off early and go to the Huangpu river to do this. I first go to film the walking part with Jamie, then I do some part of the acting.We really have fun when we doing the filming. Here is some photos we testing the machine and when we are filming. We asked the owner of the dog to let us film the dog in the video for a while. We also let the fish owner be our actor to make the whole scenarios looks close to life.

The website:

Jamie do the cutting of the film and Nan and I do the coding part. During this part, I found that lots of video cannot be loaded into the webpage also the size and the position need to be change, I seeked help during this process and finally made it. Also, I made the css but I found that in different size of the computer the size of some video can be too large and some can be too small, next time I will arrange the css better to make it suit into every size of the computer. After finding the autoplay don’t work, I made all the video into clicking the screen then it will play so the chrome can also play it.

The final looking of the webpage:

We made the button  jumped out using the time count function so that the user can easily see the button when it come out. 

We added the background movie so that it looks attracting or it will looks black and seems boring.

At the end of it we added the sources we used in this video.

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