Response-to-Serial, Season One: Episode 1, The Alibi(Clover)

  The sound in the episode is great. Some sound is company with the word which stress the atmosphere. It makes me feel like I can see or I am experience this kind of things. Also, the sound actually affect the reader’s emotion, which makes me have the same feeling or I have a better understanding of what is happen here. When the plot was not that serious the sound was lighter and more relaxing. When it talks about the murder the music was more serious and I know that there is something bad going on. There is also some period that there only exists sound. This sound sounds like the explanation to the story talked before. Or it sounds like some opening of what is going on next. I can feel the emotions in the story which is great. Also, in some important part, the sound begins, so that I can learned the content here is important. Also, I noticed that the sound can show the speakers character. This is a great strategy that I can use to deepen the image of my character.

  Also, the sound shall be changed after a while when the story going on. The speaker don’t just talk on her own, but she also get in some sound from others. Another thing I learned from here is that, I can get in some music or sound in the middle or the end of my talk. This can be a transaction to this the talk, this music can also show the change of the emotion. Maybe I don’t need to talk about my emotion but I can use the sound to replace my word. Also I learned that sound clarity can also affect the audience’s emotions. Clear voices make people feel relaxed, blurred voices make people feel depressed, I will pay attention to this when I use audio. 

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