Respond to the reading“The Medium is the Message”-Clover

After reading this article, I first found the relationship between medium and message quite interesting. Before I read this article, I never thought about the connection between these two. Medium is the message or medium can have no message. I made me think of if we create a new medium, there maybe will be another new message be created. The new medium can also change the culture or the way of the art. It may also change people’s understanding of art or trend. For example, the VR is a new application of the medium which changing the way people feel about art. VR let people have a more sensory experience to feel about art, so people stay at home can also have the experience of taking roller coaster. So if we create a new medium, we may also create a new message and a new lifestyle. Hoping that in the future people can combine AI and VR, letting people experience a new way of art.

The second thing I noticed is that there are technological and cultural differences between the various groups. There are differences in the perception of the media between illiterate and non-illiterate groups. In a sense, this also means the difference between cultural groups. There are also differences between countries. This cultural difference may because of different history or institutions, which also means that each country can create different forms of artistic expression. Mogao Caves in the east, for example, and the Louvre in the West is a great artistic expression. This historical form of artistic expression is also influencing the form of modern artistic expression. It also means that different groups can better express their culture in different ways. Different Cultures using different modern technologies may yield great artwork.

I was also surprised that the medium can have a really huge impact on society. The article mentioned that print created individualism and nationalism which really surprise me. The media is changing people’s idea and consciousness imperceptibly. From a certain point of view, the media can also control people’s thoughts. The media can even create a new art industry with huge economic effects. Or it can be used to convey a new idea, to usher in a new era. It made me realize the importance of the media. If used well, it will bring good effect, if used poorly, it will bring great harm to society. Therefore, the government should strengthen the supervision of the media and create a good cultural atmosphere.

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