Final Project Proposal–clover

For the final project, Jamie and I will work together. Jamie come to the idea of setting up a crime investigation base on a notorious crime. Since Jamie is good at making video, she will cut the video and add sound effect to our project. I really like the idea and I will do the code work.

We plan to do this like a crime investigation game. We want to let the audience discover evidence by themselves and find the right path to the truth of the incidence. Letting the audience be the detective to invest the whole crime is the interaction we plan to have. We will create a time line along with some crimes happened before with some hints in each crime and let the audience explore and find out the truth of these series of crime. At last, we will have some questions to test whether the user find the correct answer of the crimes.

For more details, we will first introduce the background of our story and tell the users what they are going to do in the story. Then, we will give users some hints so that they can make their choice and judgement. During this process, we will set time limitation so that the user feel like they are really in the position of a detective because every detective have to hurry up or the suspect may do another crime. At the end of this game, we will let the users answer some questions to test whether they get the correct answer. There will be two endings, when the user gave the correct answer they will come to a happy ending and on the contrary, the wrong answer will lead to a bad ending.

One great artist inspire me is Tiny Boy. I knew him because of a game the escape room from the app store. I really like the game he designed which includes sound, conversation and video. Another artist who inspire me is David Fincher. I really like the visual style of his movie and TV series. This gave me some ideas on how to design the webpage.

To achieve this goal, we plan to use text, image, audio and video. We may use text and audio to introduce the background of the story, we plan to set the whole background in black using some background styles we found online. We will also add some text floating on the screen. We also plan to set a clock on the screen so that the user can see how much time he already spent. We may also add some audio on the first page to create the exciting atmosphere. Or we may film a video introducing the background. Then on the second page, we plan to create a time line with files on specific time. We may use css to set up some profile that the user can click on. We may also add video in the profile so that the user can get the visual and hearing experience. We also hide some hints in the profile to let the user discover and predict what the criminal will do. On the third page, we will let the users answer some questions base on the information we provided in the profile then different answers will lead to different results.

       We want to try how to better interact with our users and what is the best way to do this. Also, we both interested in making games and the exploring game that ho

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