Week 2: Portfolio website – Khaliun Dorjderem


I had a really stressful but fun time working on my website. At first, for a person like me who had no knowledge about coding, the project seemed to be like super difficult process, but as I apply what I have learned in class to my website and see my improvement, it became addicting.

I struggled the most on CSS flex boxes, my boxes just wouldn’t appear in a position which I wanted them to appear. Even though I made changes and refreshed again and again nothing was changing, until I found out I had to style them on CSS. With the help of the CSS tutorials, I was finally able to see my page change. 

Also, I didn’t wanted my background to be plain white, so I decided to change it. It took me almost 2 hours to figure out which color  background goes well with my pictures, what size it should be. However, all thanks to the CSS tutorials I was able to have my background as I wanted, 

I didn’t wanted my website to be only one page, because I thought it was boring. So, I added subpages. I thought I can add more pages by having the <head>, <body>, and the <footer> tags again but it did not work. I had to open new html’s to add subpages, about, work, and contact, to my website. It was a lot of work because I had to do all the tags and texts for my subpages again, but it was satisfying to see my result.

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