Week 3: Interactive Comic Idea – Kyra Bachman and Kimmy Tanchay

About/Theme: A journey of two siblings going through life

  • Each comic frame would be of these two siblings at each time ‘frame’ of their lives
    • EG one frame is when they’re 2 years old, next frame would be when they’re 5 years old, etc etc until they reach old age (or death)
    • The start of the comic would see these siblings reflect the relationship we ourselves see with our siblings,  thus it’s something many people can really relate to and connect with
    • As the comic moves forward, we see the relationship of these siblings develop and change. With their busy lives, ambitions and other commitments, they start to drift.
    • However, once they start to get older, they find themselves spending more time together as they are aware of how little time they have left.
    • In the last frame, we see one sibling left as the other has just recently passed 🙁
  • The comics would be quite cute, hand-drawn and would have sort of a simple yet nostalgic feel
    • However, as the comic progresses, we could change this feel/vibe slightly to match the mood 
    • Overall, the comic would hopefully bring out some wistful/happy/heart-breaking emotions that anyone can relate to. 

Some inspiration: 


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