Week 7: Audio Project (Cara and Hanna)- Cara’s Individual Documentation

Link: imanas.shanghai.nyu.edu/~hrm305/Audio


For the audio project, our original idea was to remix a song that we both agreed on. We both agreed that remixing Chanel by Frank Ocean would be a cool idea. We used Ableton to remix the song by chopping up the song into different sections. After this, we took our edited sample and added different sounds over it to make it our own version. 


We both worked on the code evenly, I discovered how to add a range slider to change the sizes of the background circle of the html. My partner figured out how to implement the slider into being able to make it function with the sizing. We both used the in-class example to add the play/pause/stop functions, as well as adding the volume buttons and speed up/slow down. The fade in/fade out functions were also added for extra audio functions. Most of the time went into the audio, which required careful listening to adjust anything we did or didn’t like. The code was fairly straightforward, we were trying to mimic a disk like a DJ at a club, and we added a gradient effect to give an electric vibe to the html. We used a black background for simplicity, so that the main focus would be on the virtual glowing CD. Inside the “CD”, we have all our functions so that the user has a more hands on feel of DJ’ing, which was our goal with the audio interactivity. Using the @keyframes function allows the disk to rotate in one continuous movement. The range slider is used at a certain set of values to signal to the javascript to use these set of values to adjust something, which in this case, was the size of the disk. 


I think that our audio project met our overall goals: we created an electric feel for the user with the visuals, and had all the functions within the disk so that the user has a momentary feeling of being a DJ at a club. 

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