Week 10: Interactive Video Project (Cara Chang Individual Response)

Project Proposal:

Originally, our group had thought about doing a double perspective on a date between two people, but then settled on a similar scenario of a job interview between two people, after finding out that filming at a restaurant was too noisy. 

Project Description:

Our project has a double perspective on both the boss, as well as the interviewee. The interviewee, played by me, is supposed to represent a normal person applying for a potential job, meeting with a strange boss that is very judgmental. The boss takes first impression as his overall view of the potential candidate, and comes up with different things that the girl is saying, instead of what she is actually saying in real life. On our project, the user can switch between perspectives of what the boss thinks is happening, versus what is actually happening in reality. 


We split our project in three ways so that we could all work on the code as well as participate in the film process. I mainly did the acting as well as coming up with a theme for the CSS on the webpage so that the site would mimic a real show on television. We all worked together to overlay the videos on top of each other so that both videos could be played simultaneously. We then combined all our coding and film editing together, which resulted in a cool looking interview, mimicking the show, The Office. 


The main issues I came up with was trying to stack all the GIF buttons on top of each other without interfering with the TV background. It was also a challenge to get the video to fit within the space of the TV screen, which required a guess and check method until I could find just the right dimensions that could fit. 


I believe that even though our storyline was quite different than what we had originally planned, all the same concepts were still able to be applied and carried out, which resulted in a project that I personally think came out to be . both funny, and carry out an important message which is: never make assumptions about people and give people the chance to show you who they truly are. 

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