Week 3 : CSS Portfolio – Abdullah Zameek

The link to my portfolio site can be found here

Thoughts and Reflections :

I always had certain lingering suspicions at the back of my mind, and this assignment helped me confirm them.
a) I’m terrible at design.
b) I loathe CSS (No offense to the web designers and artists out there)
I found it difficult to find a nice aesthetic to work with until I stumbled across this site which generates color schemes for you (Yay for artsy decisions that I didn’t have to make!). I found a palette that I liked and went with that.  I’ve had some experience with CSS in the past when I took part in hackathons and whatnot, and I’d often leave it upto my other teammates to do the CSS bits since I often got frustrated working with CSS and experimenting with different numbers until I got the desired outcome. This time around, however, I had to finally confront it head on, and with the help of numerous references to W3Schools and StackOverflow, I was able to to put together the simple design I had in mind. In the weeks to come, however, I hope to improve my relationship with CSS and web development as a whole, and be able to create a coherent, aesthetically pleasing website. 

At one point, my flexboxes were not arranging themselves  properly and I was frustrated with it for a while, so I decided to play around with something that I liked and was more familiar with -p5.js. I ended up included a little p5js sketch in my website, where if you click anywhere in the body of the page, you can draw little circles that come in a random shade of blue. Pressing the enter key erases whatever you drew, giving you  a clean “canvas”.

All in all, this was a pretty fun exercise and I hope to improve my site over the weeks to come (maybe do a complete overhaul) and learn more about and appreciate web design fundamentals and elements.7

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