Link to netart:
After going through some pieces on the rhizome net anthology site, I found this one to be the most captivating. This piece, done by Alex Galloway, Mark Tribe, and Martin Wattenberg, actually uses emails in an archive represented as a “glowing point of light against a dark background”. These points then get brighter as the email is accessed. What’s really creative about this netart is that it resembles the Space and it’s possible to create constellations by searching a specific keyword and then the relating emails found in the database will connect.
Once you open it, you can hover around the image, and click on the glowing points which would then open the respective email from the archive called the "Textbase", an archive that saved emails from the forum, which was the Rhizome's email discussion list. These emails could be important resources, exchanges or even artworks were saved in the form of emails.