NOC – Week 4: Attraction – Susan Xu

Link to my inspiration presentation: 

My initial idea is to build a n-body system, with particles dancing around planets. My planets will have atmosphere and water to slow down the particle, and when it hits the solid surface, it will bounce back to the universe. The implement, though, produced weird particle motion. It was not until days later that I figured where the bug was; by when I had already take on new ideas. Will implements the planet idea some time in the future.

Idea one: Attraction for life 

From my (buggy) planet code, I added random motion and a transparent background to it. The random motion makes it less likely to be in the airless space, and together with the transparency, the particles looks like sperms attracting to an egg. With that, I changed the planets’ color to make it more like eggs. The animation can be applied to sex education for children, explaining the biological beginning of life.

White particles attracting to a pink circle, mimicking the process of fertilization.

When added more than one (eggs) planets to the graph, the particles do dance around and look more like a universe setting (who knows what would sperms do when they sense multiple eggs?). The code uploaded is bug-less.

Idea two: Attraction of food 

I soon get bored playing with my first idea, as the planet just stay static and the particle just disappear as it hits the core. What if the particles would “eat” the planet and reduce its mass along the way? A more natural way is to think of particles as ants and planets as food. As the food gets smaller, the attraction is also smaller. I chose pancake as my model food, because 1. it’s round and 2. it goes very well with syrup (maple syrup! Hooray!) which is very viscous. The drag force makes the scene very natural, digitalize how a group of ants chase for sweeties.


If you are afraid of insects or have intensive phobia, please stop here!!!







Animated figure showing ants being atrracted to pancakes with syrup.

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