NOC-Week 1: p5 basics (Skye)

For assignment 1, I made my sketch based on the course example “bouncing ball_fixed”, and made the following changes:

  1. Instead of only having one ball bouncing around, I used array and for() loop to create several balls and let them move together. 
  2. I changed the color and size of the balls with reference to their moving position. 
  3. I set the frameRate() to 60 to slow the movement slow so that the bouncing effect looks more naturally. (I wonder if change the value of gravity can have the same outcome.)
  4. Besides bouncing balls, I added several random lines which will appear when mouse is pressed to add on the effect. 
      1. Notes: Based on all the changes, I also played around with some variables and made two different effects:

assigment1 demo1

This one is made with the diameter of the ellipse as (x[I]/i*5).

assignment1 demo2

This one is made with the diameter as (x[I]/I/5).

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