Week 4: Summary of Oculus Conference and Human-free Pictures - Yudi Ao (Amy)

1) The Oculus Connect 6 Developers Conference Summary:

I decided to watch the 12-min summary and two other posted videos, which were “Hand Tracking Deep Dive: Technology, Design, and Experiences” and “Spark AR for Places and Things”.

For the summary, there were many exciting points mentioned: hand tracking on Oculus Quest-technique, link Quest and Rift, passthrough+ to switch between reality and VR, linking to Facebook, Facebook horizon to build VR landscape on your own, Oculus TV, CTRL-labs and mixed AR with VR. The most interesting information for me was the hand tracking developments about how accurate they it can perform.

So I chose to watch a posted video about that too. The demo video showed that it even reached the precision like a glove with sensors on it. Besides how outstanding the performance is, the costs were also decreased through improving the codes and data.

Then for the second video, the new development tool for AR was introduced, to connect real-world locations to AR experiences. The public-Spark AR platform can help users easily create their own experiences. I feel it’s similar to Minecraft. And also what Spark is to AR industry is just like what Coding platform to programming. This will definitely help the whole industry a lot in the developing period.

2) Human-free pictures:


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