week 2 : Assignments by Yudi Ao (Amy)

1) One or two sentences about the lesson you MOST agree with and the lesson you LEAST agree with:

Most Agree Lesson: Virtual currency will become more relevant to our lives than traditional currency. Even nowadays, virtual currency like bitcoin has been gaining more and more values and attention from people. Therefore, in the future, with better technology of VR equipment, distances among global citizens will narrow and also the traditional physical currency will be less used.

Least Agree Lesson: Everyone will become ‘Gamers’ & watching game streams will be a major pass-time. Though with high-end technology of VR and AR people can have very real-feeling experience in games or the virtual world, I still believe the reality is where people are based on and there are more things to do in real life.

2) A First SpaceWalk / Ghost in the Shell / Notes on Blindness

3) Kevin Kelly AR Article review: The mirrorworld sounds still quite far away from today though the concept and technology of AR have came into our view for a while. Besides the methods to achieve mirrorworld, what is more difficult to imagine is how people will be influenced by this, just like the people 100 years ago can’t imagine our life. 

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