W2 assignment by Molly He

1.  Response to  16 Lessons for a VR-First Future From ‘Ready Player One’

AGREE: 6)Remote work via VR will become the norm
Most companies today are merely providing a working environment—an office to work in. Workplace only demands some easy interaction (i.e. exchanging ideas mainly through talking face-to-face), which can soon be achieved through VR.
DISAGREE: 7)VR can erase race and gender inequality gaps
Living in the VR world maybe means living with the appearance of an avatar. But when you made the choice of not being yourself (changing one’s gender/race), there should be a reason and preassumption about that specific gender/race/appearance.
When one get back to the real world, things don’t change. Stereotypes will persist.

2. Choice of VR titles:

Tilt Brush/ horizons/ super hot

3. Response to AR Will Spark the Next Big Tech Platform—Call It Mirrorworld

The part that touches me the most is:

The next generation will master visual literacy. A properly educated person will be able to create a 3D image inside of a 3D landscape nearly as fast as one can type today. They will know how to search all videos ever made for the visual idea they have in their head, without needing words. The complexities of color and the rules of perspective will be commonly understood, like the rules of grammar. It will be the Photonic Era.

The Millenials today are viewed as the aborigines of the Information Era, they are (or I am)  naturally used to computers, phones, the Internet. It’s easy but at the same time shocking to imagine a future world where we have to try really hard to master visual literacy and get accustomed to the Photonic Era.

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