Week 6: Locations in Shanghai – Kat Valachova

  1. Jade Buddha Temple

I considered this location mainly because of the temple’s age, which could function as a very distictive local landmark. Apparently, the temple has been founded in 1882.  It is located in place where there are still some old buildings, but are slowly disappearing and it’s a matter of time when they’ll disappear completely.  The last time I visited it was in June. At that time, there was a new construction site right in front of the temple, I’m not sure if they have finished yet. If it’s still there, it may become an obstruction while filming.

2. The Bund

I believe the Bund is a perfect place to film at. It has both very prominent feature of the river, there is a lot of movement everyday and the location is in the old part of the city. It has a rich history, which, if we do the change over the course of time, can bring a lot of interesting results. Also if we manage to capture with the 360 degree camera the other side of the river, we can redo the whole transformation of the now so iconic sight of Pudong.

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