VR Experience


Reflect on what did and didn’t work for each VR experience. For example, was it 2D or 3D, and if 3D, was it used successfully? Was the use of 360 space successful? How was the sound? Was it spatial? 


The VR experience of Lucid Space Dreams lacks in a few ways. While the viewing experience is certainly pleasing, it lacks motivation. The concept of a lucid dreaming outlines one’s ability to navigate their own dreams based on active decisions however, this project only achieves replicating ordinary dreaming. The viewer is given no agency as they are led on what is essentially a dolly track. The 3D visuals do offer some captivation but, it is still not enough to warrant it a fulfilling experience. 

Two projects that use the medium successfully are My Mother’s Wing and Notes on Blindness. Both utilize VR’s ability to share an experience. They both map out a story that tackles sensitive topics where the material must be handled with care. The use of 360 VR allows both of these pieces to have an extremely intimate presence. If a traditional movie viewing experience provides a window into these stories, VR offers a door where the audience is invited to step into the narrative.  

Overall, these VR experiences were able to transport the viewer away from reality and I can appreciate the endeavor. Keeping the goggles on meant you were able to escape the present and enjoy an untethered approach to reality. 

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