Week4: Summary of watching Oculus developers conference and Human-free pictures by Kenneth

Summary of Oculus developers conference

After watching the 12 minutes summary of the Oculus developers conference, I decided to choose the video posts of “Spark AR for Places and Things” and “From WebVR to WebXR: The Next Generation of VR Experiences on the Web” to explore more about the advanced tiers of VR&AR industry. For “Spark AR for Places and Things”. In this video post, the speaker introduces the new development tool for AR to the public–Spark AR. On this platform build AR experiences that are connected to real-world locations, environments, or objects. I think this platform is necessary for the development of the AR industry and I strongly agree with the speaker that the future of AR is quite bright and the development tool for AR is vital because the development tools or platforms like Spark AR as the whole industry is similar to the IDE as the development of programming language. 

For “From WebVR to WebXR: The Next Generation of VR Experiences on the Web”, I agree that the web is important not only just for the previous media of computers or smartphones but for the future potential new media. As the data are shown by the speaker, two-thirds of the users of Oculus will use the web browser in Oculus to check Facebook and Youtube. The new standard of the web–web XR plays a key role in future immersive experiences of Web on the VR platform. From WebVR to WebXR, I think it is the shift from old time to new era–old Web experience turns to be flat and 2D on screen compared to the new Web experience under WebXR. By using 6DOF space tracking and VR controllers, WebXR will create a revolutionary interactive way, which will bring users a new sense of immersion. In the future, I think the experience of the Web will be spatial, touchable and multi-dimensional. But for the example of Hub, I think it is not the best application or case for WebXR. I think the way to build a room as a Website is not as practical as to how people think. The idea of sharing a VR room in an URL to other users and people can enter the room and get information by exploration is innovative and kind of sci-fi but I think the way that people browse the Web is read or heard in the room, which is a way of same with what we are doing now on computer and smartphone. The room design as I see is just decoration for the future web. There is must be a way to make innovation for the future Web. We still have a long way to go.

Human-free pIctures

This picture is the original version 

I use photoshop to erase the building and only keep the cloud and sky. Also, there is a bird in the sky(a little bit tiny but it is actually there)
Besides, I also take a photo of pure sky, which is obviously human-free.
For the other, I shoot the flowers, boskage, water, and leaf without human invention. I will print them out and bring them to class because the size of images is beyond the maximum size the website can hold.

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