Week3: Review on 3 VR titles

 Review on Spacewalk

In general, Spacewalk is a good VR project. Firstly, it is “3dof” project. As an astronaut in the project, users only have a 180-degree view. For images aspect, it is a 3D project and it works successfully to fool my eyes because it uses many images to create a verisimilar environment of space–without gravity. The pictures in front of me are dynamic and the highlights like floating items in spaceship provide me such an excellent sense of immersion. 

For the audio aspect, it is normal because it seems that the creator of this project has not used spatial sound or multiphonic techs to build a sound immersion. The only sound in this project is the sound of the phone, which is non-spatial and non-stereo. 

But generally, I like this project because it excellently shows me a great space world and successfully immerses me into it. What I dislike is that it is a “3dof” project. If it were a “6dof” project, it will help people to experience how is the feeling of being an astronaut.

Review on Scaring movie project on Youtube

This is the worst VR titles I experienced. The sacring movie project on Youtube is a video project. It is a “6dof” project and it is a panorama display with 2D images–that is the thing that makes this project unsuccessful for me: 2D images cannot make a big shock for audience, especially in the area of the scaring movies. The opening of the movie project is a 3d intro of the video of walking alongside a corridor. Accompanied by sacring background music, I began to be scared and wanted to stop it. What disappointed me is that the main body of this project didn’t perform as well as its opening. Low-quality 2D panorama images could not immerse me into the environment. What is worse is that I could not move around but could only watch and listen. Audion performance was not good as well. It is not spatial and not stereo–it is just the simple audio sound like what we will hear in normal form of movies. In conclusion, I like the opening part because the 3D-dynamic walking scene with scaring movie provides me a great atmosphere of scaring movie and speed up my heartbeat. What I dislike is that both the audio and visual performance of this project could be better by using 3D tech and stereophonic display.

Review on the Cowboy shooting game

That is the only game I experienced in class. It is an ordinary project both in audio and in visual. For visual, it is 3D cartoon-style but “3dof”. Users can only rotate their head in 180 degrees and see the things in front of them. Besides, users cannot move around. Audio is not spatial but good in quality. Therefore, I get the conclusion that it is an ordinary VR project and I keep a neutralizing attitude towards this project.

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