Week 1 & 2 *REPOST*

*Originally Posted on https://wp.nyu.edu/bentablada/ * 

5. Virtual Schools will democratize high quality education to the world 
  • I’m a full supporter of free high quality education for those who either can’t afford it or are unable to access it. I hope that VR/AR will make accessibility easier for those in need, but I don’t fully believe that it is a complete solution or better than in person interactions with a teacher/professor.
7. VR can erase race and gender inequality gaps
  •     I don’t agree with this statement because even if a person can “recreate” their appearance or take on a different persona, there is still a person behind the avatar that is pretending/masquerading as someone they are not. The problem of race/gender inequality is not solved, and this statement simply masks it without addressing the root of the problem. 

Catalog (VR TITLES) 

  1. Quill – Oculus 
  2. Hallelujah – Google Daydream 
  3. Star Chart – Oculus 
  4. Notes on Blindness – Samsung Gear VR 

Article Review: 

  • The article notes on the ‘mirrorworld’ – an interesting concept that articulates how AR/VR can be implemented/drastically change our lives. As a person that has never used AR/VR devices prior to calss 2, the experience gave me a better understanding of the concepts that article presented. It would be interesting to see how companies will monetize this new “mirrorworld” as technological advances continue to make a headway in implementing AR/VR into our daily routines. 

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