Final Project Proposal – Zeyao Li – Unconventional Design

Final Project Proposal:

 Framework: Speculative Design

Agenda: The Discursive Agenda

Goals: Communication

For my final project, I am designing a future Tinder/Grindr Chatbot to find you a perfect lover or a perfect hookup.  The way we find our partner or other intimate relationship has been changed in the past 5 years. I am wondering how will the rise of AI and voice technology change the way we see the modern relationship? The TinderBot will be a speculative design. It happens in 20 years when people are used to talking to AI bot and letting it handle things in daily life. People are tired of swiping, an old interaction to find their matches. They are even tired of looking at their phone screen. Thus, Tinder and Grindr published their new product, tinderbot/grindrbot. They can help you find your perfect one based on your conversation with them. How do you want them to look like? What is the size? Where does he/she live at? Everything that you have is exposed to the Internet and used by the bot. Does it boost the efficiency of finding your boo or does it make the modern love worse? 

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