Enchanted Objects Workshop Reflection – Zeyao Li

I missed the workshop of enchanted objects so now I am doing my own research/workshop on this. 

From the slides, I realize that the workshop has three steps. The first one is to identify the problem with cats. I am super allergic to cats so I don’t have cats at home. I only played with them carefully when I visited my friends’. From the little connection that I had with cats, I think cats are really bad at letting their owner know what they want. Cats are shy usually so it’s hard to comfort them. The next step is supposed to be the group come up with some solutions based on other groups’ problems. Since I was not there, I can’t work on this by myself. From the research that I did for this workshop, it’s good to let other people come up with something to solve the problem because the idea is fresh for them. They will have more interpolation on the problems. After coming up with the solution, the group has to prototype the solution with everyday objects. It is always good to do rapid prototyping to present the idea. Even when I interned at R/GA, we used pen and paper to just quick prototype the idea and present it to the boss. Utilizing the things around us will make our ideation process more clear. 

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