Week2: “Good Design” Reflection – Xiaoyan Kong

For the “good design” assignment, I did a small redesign for my own bag. First, let me introduce you my bag. I got this canvas bag from a school event for free. I love it because it is really big so I can put lots of stuffs inside. Another reason is that it has really good quality material. I never have to worry about it broken since I put so many stuffs inside.

There is only one thing I hate about this bag – It doesn’t have any layer inside!! So it cause a big trouble for me every time I want to find my phone/wallet/glasses case/keys (anything that’s small). Because my bag is so messy that it is literally like a trash can. So I decided to redesign my bag and add some layers inside so that I can categorize my things. Thus, make it more easy for me to find what I want in my big bag.

The first step is to take all the stuffs I carry with me daily out, put them on the table and categorized them. According to this, I would decide how many layers and side pockets I want. Next, I measured the length and width of each fabrics I needed. (The white jeans I got it from my friend, she did not wear it anymore. The mesh is from my middle school’s uniform.) Finally I sewed the fabrics in my bag.

The reason why I think it is a good design is very personal – It helps improve my relationship with my bag. It solve the problem that I couldn’t find my stuff. The user experience I have is much better than before. The design is based on the target user(me)’s using habit of her bag. I think this idea can apply to most of the “good designs”.

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